Clinical Treatment - Periodic professional data centre/communications room cleaning.

As the world, especially the corporate world becomes more and more dependent on networked computers for its existence, the importance of the careful control and management of data centres and communications rooms cannot be overstated. This is particularly true as businesses become increasingly Internet centred.

Many companies have huge volumes of data flowing through their data centre or server room. But be it internal or external, if a data centre is hit by any form of disaster from human error to poor maintenance to act of God, the entire business can grind to a halt with catastrophic knock-on effects. And whilst not much can be done to prevent a natural disaster, there are many actions that can be taken to help prevent many of the common causes of data centre failure.

This is why many companies outsource the maintenance of their data centres, cleanrooms, and communications rooms to professional data centre cleaning companies. It's not just the inconvenience caused when your network fails, there is often a massive financial cost as well.

Cirrus Integrated Solutions will prepare detailed schedules for communications room & data centre cleaning, timelines, service and cleaning reports. We also provide programmed shutdown clinical treatment for server and cabinet internals; a critical maintenance service that assists in reducing the risk of equipment failure due to dust and operational contamination.